Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center is a private nonprofit agency dedicated to improving the wellbeing of family caregivers throughout their journey. We offer services to family caregivers of adults with chronic and disabling conditions or diseases. With a team of highly-qualified, professional staff, Del Oro helps families through a full range of programs and services.
To be eligible for services, a client must be caring for an adult with a cognitive impairing condition that occurred after the age of 18 (for example: dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease) or caring for someone 60 and over regardless of diagnosis and requiring assistance with two or more activities of daily living. Services are for residents of our 13-County service area—Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties.
All services come at no cost to the family caregiver.

“You all made everything so easy. Being as overwhelmed as I was, I wouldn’t have been able to take advantage of the program if it had been difficult…Thank you for all you do!”
Specialized Information
Del Oro provides information on chronic and disabling conditions and diseases, aging, caregiving issues and community resources.
Family Consultation/ Case Management Services
Our professional staff works with families and caregivers to provide support, alleviate stress, examine options and enable them to make decisions relating to the care of adults. Del Oro also helps identify existing and potential services to assist caregivers in coping and meeting their needs, as well as the needs of care recipients. Del Oro’s Family Consultants provide an assessment of caregiver needs, short and long-term care planning, and ongoing consultation.
Respite Care
We can fund respite services to relieve caregivers of the stresses of constant care. Respite is designed to provide care to a loved one for a brief period of time so the caregiver has the opportunity for relief and rest. This service may be provided in the individual’s home, or in an out-of-home setting such as a day care center or assisted living facility. Del Oro contracts with select, professional agencies/facilities to provide this service.
Support Groups
Caregiver Support Groups can be an essential component to coping with a care giving situation for any caregiver.
There are various types of support groups offered in the community: Condition or Disease Specific Groups; Caregiver Support Groups; Relationship Oriented Groups; Family Centered Support Groups and On-Line Support Groups.
Short-Term Counseling
Del Oro offers up to six (6) one-hour individual counseling sessions to caregivers seeking emotional support, skill development and helpful strategies to better cope with their caregiving situation.
Legal/Financial Consultation
Consultation provided by an attorney to address the various legal and financial issues related to caring for an adult. This may include planning for eligibility for public assistance programs, understanding Advance Healthcare Directives and Powers of Attorney.
Education and Training
Del Oro provides education and training on a variety of issues related to caregiving.
We cover practical, hands-on training in subjects related to research, disease specific information, stress reduction, self-care, and other relevant caregiving issues.