Contact Us
Our main office is located at:
8421 Auburn Blvd., Suite 265
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Office: (916) 728-9333
Fax: (916) 728-9313
We support Caregivers in the following counties:
Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba
If you live outside of this area, visit caregivercalifornia.org to find & connect with your local Caregiver Resource Center.
Client satisfaction with services from Del Oro is of greatest importance to our staff. As a first step, we ask that you connect with your Family Consultant with your concerns, or the individual(s) with whom you have a grievance. If a satisfactory solution to the situation is not obtained through discussion with the individual(s), you may then complete the Client Grievance Form and return to Michelle Nevins, Executive Director, Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center, 8421 Auburn Blvd., Suite 265, Citrus Heights, CA 95610, via email at mnevins@deloro.org or via FAX at (916) 728-9313. To ensure confidentiality, only information relevant to the complaint will be released to the responding party.
If you feel your concerns have still not been resolved, our Board of Directors will review the grievance and provide a formal response. Additionally, you may choose to relay your concerns with the funding source behind the service(s) being received. Contact information will be provided upon request. For Agency on Aging, Area 4 (AAA4) Funded programs only: If you are dissatisfied with Del Oro’s review, you may send a written statement, including the results of our review to AAA4.
All efforts will be made to obtain a resolution on grievances in the shortest amount of time possible, with the goal being no more than 30 days. The timeliness to achieve this may be affected by factors such as the availability of the person(s) involved, which may result in unavoidable delays. In such cases, the person making the complaint will be notified about the circumstances.