Support Groups
A support group can provide a variety of benefits regardless of the type of group:
Social outlet
A place to learn coping mechanisms
Support for your sanity and confidence - you are not alone!
Joining a support group is an experiment. If one doesn't work, try another! Select a group that is comfortable to you. Before attending a group, you may want to research the following:
• Who sponsors or runs the group? Groups are often established by local organizations such as Del Oro, the Alzheimer's Association, Churches or Hospitals. If there is an established sponsor of the group, it will likely have a reliable structure and organization.
• Who is the facilitator? Try to talk to the leader in advance of attending the group and see how it feels. Find out more about their background and experience.
• What is the organizing principle of the group? Is it disease specific group or one for caregivers? Find out more so that you are not feeling out of place on your first visit.
• What is the make-up of the group? You will want to find out how often the group meets and any other logistical information necessary to make your visit smooth. Find out what is expected of attendees - can you listen or is active participation required. What are the group's rules about confidentiality?
Are you looking to START your own caregiver support group? If so, check out the following toolkit from Village Movement California, funded by the Arthur R. Rupe Foundation.