Del Oro CRC is proud to offer both in-person and online classes.
Evidence-Based Classes
Powerful Tools for Caregivers: Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) is a FREE evidence-based course designed for family caregivers of adults with chronic or disabling health conditions, (such as Alzheimer’s/dementia, Parkinson’s, stroke). Led by certified and experienced class leaders at Del Oro over six (6) weekly sessions, PTC offers practical tools for reducing stress, making difficult decisions, communicating more effectively, and preventing burnout.
Caregiver Action & Resource Education Series (CARES)
Join us for this unique collaboration among Del Oro CRC, the Alzheimer’s Association and Senior Care Solutions , which offers classes each season to address different aspects of the caregiving journey.
Statewide Educational Programming
Each month, Del Oro partners with its 11 sister agencies across the California Caregiver Resource Center system to give unpaid family caregivers expanded access to online education and training on a diverse set of topics and in different languages. Check out this month’s offerings below.
Need help getting set up with Zoom? Please check out this easy-to-use “Zoom Training for All“ guide, developed by our partners at Yolo Hospice.
Tip Sheets
Practical ideas to assist with caregiving responsibilities.
Caring for the Caregiver
Fact Sheets
Overviews of important caregiving issues with recommended reading and/or resources.
Caregiving Issues
Caregiver Resources