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Holiday Series: 2021—Here I Come!

As caregivers, celebrating the holidays can be challenging emotionally as well as relationally. And this year amidst a pandemic, social distancing and wildfires, it can seem almost impossible to find light and love in our traditional holidays. Yet, as much as the holidays are about family and community, they are also about our personal internal experience of life and love. Please join author and speaker Julie Interrante, MA as she facilitates this three-part series exploring ways to honor and celebrate the holidays personally as well as with family and friends. We will talk honestly about all of the feelings and thoughts that arise with each holiday season.

What does it feel like to be entering a new year? What are you ready to say goodbye to and what might you be looking forward to? There will be NO conversation about resolutions of weight loss, money management, exercise … … …! Our time together will be spent listening to and honoring your heart and your deep desires for the year ahead. This experience is designed specifically to enhance your practice of listening to and taking care of yourself. This is not a ‘how to’ workshop. It is a ‘who am I and what do I desire’ experience.


If you need respite in order to participate, please call Del Oro directly at 916-728-9333, no later than January 8, 2021.

January 13

COVID-19 & Caregiving

January 18

Mindfulness-Based Dementia Care Series