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Power of a Broken-Open Heat Book Study (Session 3)

What if life, beneath the surface, were composed of a series of transitions with the potential to break open our hearts that could ease our approach to living?

As caregivers, we face much pain–-not only the pain of losing a loved one over time, but also the challenges all human beings face as part of life. Building on her decades of work in hospital and hospice care, author and speaker Julie Interrante weaves together insights from those facing great challenges with her own discoveries to reveal the importance of embracing pain. In this five-week study, Julie will use her book The Power of a Broken Heart: Life-Affirming Wisdom from the Dying as an anchor to help us explore how challenges can break open the heart, catalyzing great courage, trust and creativity for living life with more presence and joy. Please join us for this dynamic exploration intended to leverage grief as a powerful tool for self-affirmation in and beyond the caregiving journey. All participants will receive a FREE copy of the book!

April 6

Power of a Broken-Open Heat Book Study (Session 2)

April 14

Online Caregiver Resource Series: Navigating Care Options