Some have said that there is an art to caregiving, but what if caregivers could use art to train their senses and sensibilities? Tiffany Ramirez, founder and Creative Director of Artisan Mind, will lead a series of three virtual sessions designed to help caregivers leverage art in the care exchange as they enter the holiday season. Each live session will last for one hour on Zoom. As a group, we will look at between 8-10 art pieces on a given theme. Tiffany will lead discussion with guided prompts and there will be time for partner or small group reflection, as well. Between each session, participants will receive an email newsletter with more art to explore and activities to practice skills developed in class.
Overall, the series considers how art appreciation can:
--Help us to reflect on our experiences as caregivers.
--Open our minds and prompt authentic emotional response(s).
--Encourage conversation and bring about new perspective(s).
Session (2) Cultivating Grace and Gratitude in the Care Exchange
There is great strength in a grateful heart, and gratitude can lead to the ability to offer and receive grace. How is this done? For decades, master painters have captured gratitude and grace on the canvas. As we explore these paintings, we will look for inspiration to cultivate these valuable attributes of caring.
If you need someone to take care of your loved one in order to participate, respite may be available. Please request it no later than October 12, 2021 by calling Del Oro directly at 916-728-9333.