If you are a caregiver, finding value in your role and knowing your limitations can be critical to your success. Becoming educated and knowledgeable about the journey ahead can make all the difference. Do you have a reliable support network? Do you know where to go for informal and formal support? Are you aware of local community resources? It is essential that individuals and families recognize there is no shame in asking for help. You are not alone; it is possible to be a healthy and resilient caregiver.
In this presentation with Gail Arno, Director of Care Management at Elder Care Management, learn how:
--To recognize the impact of being a caregiver
--To identify signs of stress and caregiver burnout
--To utilize tools and resources for managing stress
--To access formal and informal resources and support
If you need someone to take care of your loved one in order to participate, respite may be available. Please request it no later than July 14, 2021 by calling Del Oro directly at 916-728-9333.