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Laughter Wellness & Resilience Series: What is Laughter Resilience? (Session 2)

Join Certified Laughter Yoga Trainer Linda Kalb Hamm, M.Ed., for this special series designed to help family caregivers assist their loved ones more effectively and engage in better self care through laughter wellness practices.

SESSION 2: What is Laughter Resilience?
Consider this your personal laughter spa day, as you experience a full laughter session! We warm up with gentle stretching, clapping and breathing, before moving on to our “laughter exercises” which use playful activities to keep us” laughing for no reason.” We wind down with “laughter meditation” which allows us to enjoy a contagious flow of spontaneous laughter, followed by guided relaxation. You will feel the effects of laughter by the end of this session and will even be able to chart some of the before and after differences in mood and energy! You will also see that even though this practice is often called Laughter Yoga, it requires no yoga poses or floor work, and is adaptable to all abilities and physical limitations.

If you need someone to take care of your loved one in order to participate, respite may be available. Please request it no later than February 26, 2021 by calling Del Oro directly at 916-728-9333.

March 3

The Importance of Activities & Engagement in Dementia: Strategies for Caregivers at Home

March 16

Laughter Wellness & Resilience Series: Laughter for the Caregiver(Session 3)