We often think about child-rearing and caregiving for an older adult as separate responsibilities that occur in different seasons of life. However, across the nation, approximately 11 million “Sandwich Generation” caregivers simultaneously attend to the needs of their children and an aging loved one while balancing a career, household, and their own health. What happens when working adults must negotiate the demands of intergenerational care within their households? COVID-19 has only intensified the struggles associated with this unenviable position. Sandwich Generation caregivers may feel even more squeezed during the pandemic and unsure of how to manage their own survival.
"Sandwiched” is a series that addresses the specific challenges "Sandwich Generation" caregivers face. Join Certified Child Life Specialist Shani Thornton, MS to learn how to:
Engage in self-care
Foster healthy attachments at home
Ease children's fear and anxiety related to COVID-19
Help children understand the disease progression of a sick or disabled loved one
Find support and develop coping strategies in a new world of social distancing
Each week you will have access to tip videos with content related to building new skills as a parent and caregiver. Following the release of the videos, Ms. Thornton will facilitate a specialized support group where you can discuss the week's topic and connect with peers in similar situations. You can opt to participate in some or all of the sessions, depending on your needs.
**If you require respite care for your adult care receiver please call Del Oro at (916) 728-9333 by November 5th, 2020 **